
BYD to Help Kyoto Reach Japan’s 2050 Carbon Neutral Goal

Kyoto, JAPAN - On February 24, BYD Japan Co., Ltd. (BYD), Keihan Bus Co., Ltd. (Keihan Bus) and The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (Kansai Electric Power) announced a tripartite deal in Kyoto, Japan, which will see the three parties work together to help the city achieve Japan’s 2050 carbon neutrality target and build a carbon-free society.


NFT artwork is listed in “Christie’s Auction”

​The world-renowned auction agency "Christie's" announced the auction of the collage "EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS" created by digital artist Beeple over 13 years. This huge pixelated work consists of 5,000 pictures, created by artist Beeple every day since May 1, 2007. This work is purely digital. The successful bidder will receive an encrypted file without any form of physical existence, and t


The third season of the first variety show and singing competition in Tsingtao, KING ON THE CLOUD is coming

Featuring on-site PK, online live shows and offline singing tours at theaters, new offers for the new year 2021, KING ON THE CLOUD LIVE SHOW has quickly ignited the fire of passion among fans. on-site PK of the third season of KING ON THE CLOUD LIVE SHOW will be broadcast live online. 5 new singers will show up on the stage and challenge the singers who succeeded in the previous two seasons. Come


D-box-the new vane of the DeFi track

​In 2019, the concept of decentralized finance began to rise in the cryptocurrency market; in 2020, due to the “liquid mining” pioneered by Compound decentralized lending finance detonated the encrypted digital Huobi market, 2020 is also called “ The first year of DeFi"; in 2021, DeFi is about to usher in a brand new future. And D-box will be the wind direction indicator of this period!


TTI LABS will soon be launched on the Firecoin eco-chain with unlimited potential

TTI LABS, as a comprehensive Defi ecological project, has reached cooperation and deployment intentions with Firecoin Smart Chain, and will launch a variety of smart chain ecologies in the future to achieve true cross-chain technology. TTI LABS, as a comprehensive Defi ecological project, has reached an intention to cooperate and deploy with Firecoin smart chain, and will also launch various smart


UCOT Connects the World with IoT 2.0

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of a new generation of information technology, and an important development stage in the information era. IDC predicts that the worldwide market for IoT solutions will grow from USD 1.9 trillion in 2013 to USD 7.1 trillion in 2020, along with 6.7 billion IoT device shipments in 2019, representing a compound annual growth rate of 61%. The McKinsey G


New Progress in Study on Mechanism of Lianhua Qingwen Capsules for Treatment of COVID-19

​Recently, Prof. Caisheng Wu and Prof. Yifeng Chai from the School of Pharmacy, Xiamen University have made new progress in the study of the pharmacologically active ingredients and mechanism of Lianhua Qingwen Capsules in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The study result, "Screening of the Anti-COVID-19 Pharmacological Active Ingredients of Traditional Chinese Medicine Lianhua Qingwen Ca

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